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from Norma and her guides - Archangel Michael, Mary, and the Hathor Atamira

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It is best to plan on lying down and resting deeply as you listen. Do not listen to these meditations while driving or engaging with other activities. The general pattern of these Meditations is to begin with an invocation of Sacred Space followed by a bit of information. Then we weave in and out of gentle meditative states. Your guides and angels will work with you during these meditative states and for several days after.

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Meditation #66 from October 22, 2023

Entering Peace
Identifying and Releasing Old Emotions and Beliefs Held in Your Low Body

Hint: most of what you experience isn't yours

To fully benefit from this meditation be in a quiet place where you can listen and not be disturbed.

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- Insights from Archangel Michael and Mary

- Our lower chakras are just as energetically and psychically sensitive as our Third Eye (6th chakra) and Heart Chakra.

- Emotional energy packets held within our aura and body ultimately deepen our connection to our Soul and Spirit. Our job as humans is to identify them, especially the painful and emotional ones, allowing them to move to wherever they need to go to now to be of service.


Songs from Spirit
Norma's Hathor guide Atamira lays her energies into these songs, improvised in the moment to reflect the energetic context and healing possibilities of those listening.

Resolving Restlessness
Clearing Pain
Lava me / Wash Me in the Sea of Tranquility
Kyrie Eleison / Creator Compassion

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October 22, 2023
Entering Peace
Identifying and Releasing Old Emotions and Beliefs Held in Your Low Body
Hint: most of what you experience isn't yours

from sound shaman Norma Gentile,
Insights from Archangel Michael, Blessings from Mary, and Four Healing Songs from Spirit (from Norma's Hathor guide Atamira)




Welcome! My name is Norma Gentile, and this meditation is entitled Entering into Peace. This meditation includes insights from Archangel Michael, blessings from Mary, and four new healing songs from my Hathor guide, Atamira. This meditation was offered live, and has been gently edited. If you haven't done so already, find a place where you can lie down, rest, and be undisturbed.




With that in mind, I want to create Sacred Space as I usually do.

I invite everyone to close their eyes, and follow their breathing. You may or may not notice the invocation of Sacred Space in your place, but do stay until the end. We are going to release it. A little bit of your energy is involved in creating this Sacred Space.

I want to welcome those Nature Spirits of each person's room, and you can help by just tagging the floor and the ceiling and walls of the room. Just allow those Nature Spirits that vibrate at what they consider to be their level of unconditional love to step forward into your awareness.

And then welcoming the Nature Spirits of the land directly beneath your room. Again, just those that vibrate at what their consider to be their level of unconditional love. There is no right or wrong here.

Nature Spirits reflect everything that happens in a space. So if you are switching from a living room where you enjoy television and movies to a Sacred Space, some of those Nature Spirits are going to step backwards. Nature Spirits that help you sleep [if you are in your bedroom] will step back in favor of those Nature Spirits that vibrate at what Nature Spirits consider to be unconditional love.

This makes all the difference in creating a healing space. Because you are letting your belief system release and relax. You are letting your focus and control change. You are listening instead of doing.

People often want to listen more to Spirit. Well, here is a great place to start! Listen to those Nature Spirits that vibrate at what THEY consider to be their level of unconditional love there in the room, or outside [in nature].

Right now there in the room, or the space you are in, feel the land beneath and welcome the Nature Spirits of the land beneath that vibrate at their level of unconditional love to step forward.

Now, we welcome the Pure Energy of Nature. A wonderful quality of healing. A smooth gentle quality of healing energy. All together, allowing this grouping of energies to create a sphere around the room that you are in. That sphere reflects the unconditional love of Nature.

Tuning into this sense of the sphere, the sphere might feel a little more [as if] the atoms were vibrating all together, and it might feel as if there were more of them in the room. Sometimes people feel a sense of clarity or stillness. Other times an issue that their body or their emotional field, or even their Spiritual guides have wanted to bring up will start to pop into their head. And that is fine too.

Just letting our body experience unconditional love, as defined by Nature, helps the physical body relax, because it doesn't have to do anything. There is nothing to fight against, there is nothing that has to be boundaried against. It can all be just as it is. So the personal aura can even expand out a bit. And all those thoughts and thinkings and knowings and beliefs in the brain can just step back.

I am taking extra time today to setup [Sacred Space] because the container needs to be very rich and still.




Our low bodies, (navel, 2nd chakra, the gut area in general, pubic bone, ovaries, testicles), and grounding…this whole area of our body responds so strongly to images that we see and sounds that we hear even if we are not present physically in that experience.

As humans we have all had moments of (at least) deep startling, if not outright fear of bodily harm. And so we have these little energy packets stashed [in our energy field]. I think we are decent at clearing from the heart up, but we are not so good at clearing those packets from the navel down. And when we see something or hear something that is equivalent to an experience we have had it tends to resonate that packet, and that packet begins to vibrate, and our own anger, our own fear, comes up for us.

And when this happens over and over and over again, without us recognizing that something external to ourselves is resonating our own issue. When we don't realize that we have an external piece interacting with us, then it becomes somewhat like our piece is half of a Velcro, and what we see is [the other] half of the Velcro that sticks on it.

[When this happens], we feel badly and we feel upset and we don't understand why. And so we see another piece and another thing [Velcro] sticks on us, and another thing happens and another thing sticks on us. And over time our own [original] piece, instead of being just a single piece of Velcro, becomes engorged with all these other pieces of Velcro. Engorged and engaged with all of the videos, all of the audios, all of the other things [we are exposed to].

A lot of people have sworn off news because of that. Because they recognize they are getting overwhelmed. And what is really happening is our personal piece is attracting all this other stuff, and it is getting stuck. So another way to release all the other stuff is to ask, every time you experience the fear, or the anger, if it is really yours. Yes, you are having the experience of it, but by stopping for a second, and, if you can, find stillness, and ask if it is really yours.



What you want to do is help all these other pieces of Velcro peel off, and part of this is also recognizing, that you didn't know this piece of Velcro was there, until you watched something or heard something and you felt it resonate, and you felt something else [more] stick to it.

So this something else that is sticking to it, is ultimately serving to show each of us where we have fear and anger packets that have not yet resolved.

All that is happening in the world is actually of service to each person. Because releasing all of the extraneous pieces of Velcro, all of the extraneous things, allows us to get down to our fear, our anger. And for this, there can be a great sense of gratitude and compassion, because this is the healing piece of what is going on in the world.

By resonating, by lighting up, by making huge fear, anger, and other pieces that we have stashed in our bodies and not cleared, by really showing us what is here, how quick we can be to fear, how quick we can be to anger…this is of service.

So all that is going on, all that people are going through, need not be for nothing. There is a movement away from peace, away from connection. It will swing back.

What will it take to make it swing back?

That is up to the Souls involved directly in the situation. And our participation, by releasing the resonant pieces of fear and anger and then addressing why we have fear and anger…that is the piece for us to do, those of us, of privilege. That is what we can do.




I realize a number of people (and I am going to sing in just a second) are busy trying to pray for peace. And so the last bit of energy awareness I want to share is that oftentimes when you pray in a directed manner, you are actually limiting guides, angels and the movement of Spirit.

As the grandchild of a Presbyterian minister, I was aways struck by the Bible verse where there is a distinction made about 'not my will but Thine be done'. So rather than telling a situation or people what to do, I tend to ask questions like:

What is the next step for the Souls involved?

What is the next step for the collective consciousness of all of those involved?

What is the next step for our world?

What is the next step for the patterns that are playing out in our world right now?




Norma's Hathor guide Atamira lays her energies into these songs, improvised in the moment to reflect the energetic context and healing possibilities of those listening.


1. Resolving Restlessness no words

2. Clearing Pain no words

3. Lava me / Wash Me

Lava me dentro del mar Wash me in the sea (of tranquility)
Lava me en la miro Wash me in my beholding her (compassion)
Entero, lava me I am made whole, wash me


4. Kyrie Eleison / Creator Compassion

Kyrie, Creator a word that existed before the Greek language
Eleison, from Latin, meaning compassion

That is all those two words mean.




May the blessings of Spirit, of Creator and Creation be available to all of us. May who we truly are, and our Soul's journey, be clearer to each of us. May what we each bring, in terms of compassion, understanding and wisdom express through each of us more fully.

May we recognize, with compassion, when fear and anger is being expressed. And may we turn, and find our own connection to Spirit deep within ourselves, recognizing that the fear and the anger may not be ours to express as fully as we have been expressing it.

The holding of Sacred Space allows for compassion. And in that Sacred Space, in that magnification of compassion, our brain can come into a space of quiet, where all that we behold can step back, so that what is truly ours to do, and ours to engage with, and the way to engage with something, becomes clear and evident.



Allowing all those energies, all those energy packets, those packets of emotions and beliefs to gently ease out of the navel, the 2nd chakra, the pubic bone and even ovaries, testicles and grounding. Allowing all those energies that recognize they are not in current time, that recognize they do not reflect the Soul's journey of the person, right now, they are appended to or stuck in[side of]. When these energies recognize there is no way forward for them [while engaged with the person], then, they can turn, they can release through that wonderful compassionate unconditional love of Nature that is present. The wisdom of Nature can help these energies go to wherever they need to go to, including whatever time period they need to go to.

All the wisdom of Nature is already within your body. Your body is nourished energetically by Nature. Just allowing those energies of Nature to gently fill in, supporting your low body in particular, and wherever else and however else your body wants to be supported now. How do your ovaries want to be supported by Nature? How do your testicles want to be supported by Nature? This allows more grounding to happen, and you may begin to feel energies flowing through the feet, the calf muscles, the knees, the hips the thigh muscles…all of this is just your own energy freeing up. Just allowing those energies to move through your body more and more freely as those energy packets, that which is no longer yours nor you, are freed up, and can follow their own evolutionary path.

They are part of the larger picture, the larger cycle. In some manner they contribute, and they will fit and be perfect wherever it is that their consciousness tells them they need to go to now. Our job as humans is to release and allow Nature and archangels, such as Archangel Michael, to receive whatever is ready to be received. And just know that this process can continue for several days, even weeks, or several months. Remember to remember to ask 'Is it really mine?' 'Is it really mine, right now, in current time?' 'Is it really something my body wants right now to hold onto?'

And then listen. What memory, what feeling or what sensation arises? That is your clue. If the energy packet has not fully resolved yet in your consciousness, and if you need to know something more, you will know it.



So for right now we are going to close Sacred Space. Allowing the Nature Spirits of the room that you are in, those that have been vibrating at unconditional love, to gently cleanse and clear anything they can cleanse and clear from the meditation. Anything that is not you or yours. Anything that the Nature Spirits at unconditional love holding that sphere have collected into themselves from the room, the sphere or from you. Just welcoming these Nature Spirits to escort these energies home, to wherever home might be for each energy. The energy knows where it needs to go to. Thanking and releasing everything that is ready to be released.

And looking at the Nature Spirits of the land beneath. Those vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Letting them cleanse and clear everything that is ready to be cleansed and cleared from this meditation. Letting them gather into themselves excess energies from the floor of the room, maybe from your feet chakras as well, and from the land beneath the space that we are in. Again, letting them collect the energies into themselves, those energies know where they need to go and the Nature Spirits just help them get there. And letting those Nature Spirits of the land beneath

And letting those Nature Spirits of the land beneath again, just escorting homeward everything that is ready to go home or onto their next step.

And the Pure Energy of Nature, letting it cleanse and clear anything it can cleanse and clear. Recognizing that we have some connection to the Pure Energy of Nature at all times. This wonderful warm soothing quality of energy. For right now we are going to thank and release the magnified conscious connection we have to it. And releasing it out from holding the sphere. As it too, can help to escort energies home to wherever that home might be for them.

There in the room, the Nature Spirits, thanking and releasing them from holding the sphere, releasing the conscious magnified connection to them. In the land beneath, those Nature Spirits of the land beneath, gently thanking them for all that they have done today to support this meditation. Releasing them from holding the sphere, and releasing our conscious magnified connection to them.

And finally thanking and releasing that conscious, or unconscious, magnified connection to the healing guide or angel that have been present with each person throughout this meditation today. And we gently offer a final release [tone].



May you go in grace.
May you see beauty
May you hear with a heart full of compassion


My blessings to each of you and my gratitude for your presence in this meditation.

If you have any comments I am glad to receive them. The best email is



Thank you so much for joining me today everyone. If this has been of use for you, I deeply appreciate any donations that can be offered. You can go to my Donate Page, or use the email or

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Your listening and engagement make this all possible. Thank you.