Insights and Healing Meditation

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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more

Confluence, Priviledge, Polarity and Sacred Creation

Insights from Archangel Michael and a channeled message from the Beings of Light

When a large quantity of emotional energy is generated by humans it becomes more and more difficult to find the path that discerns but does not judge or choose sides
These insights are meant to turn on your ability to ground, find focus, and follow Spirit in difficult situations.

My audio meditation Create Ease, Not Effort - Resting into Healing is now available wherever you get podcasts

Dear Friends,

Last summer I asked spirit when to offer public healing meditations and I was given 3 dates. Saturday, December 2 is the final date, and is a Meditation Concert, in full candlelight, offered online and in person (Ann Arbor). Please join me for about 90 minutes of music, insights and wonderful healing energies. I am so fortunate to have an experienced audio/visual team to bring this to you via zoom on the
Healing Chants Facebook page. More info here.

At the outset of the last online meditation (Oct 22) I shared information from Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light. Here is that information, written out in greater detail with explanatory diagrams.

Creating What we Want (and don't want)
an insight from Norma, blended with Archangel Michael

Things that appear to get in the way of what we want or intend to do are a part of our real life. How often do you have a whole day to sit in meditation? Unless you are in a retreat setting, it is highly unlikely that you have an entire day to devote to nothing but meditation. Caring for children, parents, work, friends, running errands and work interactions (both in person and online) are constant occurrences in our lives.

Archangel Michael is leading me to consider how world events and the Spiritual awakening that we are all going through are flowing together. There is a reason that world events appear to be boiling over into new extremes right now. And it helps us to deepen into the Spiritual connections that we have cultivated within ourselves when there are challenges externally to ourselves.

I have privilege. I have easy access to food and clean water. I have a house with a roof that no longer leaks. I have everything I need, in terms of worldly care for my body today, and tomorrow, and beyond tomorrow.

That is not true for the majority of the world. And so it is our responsibility, those of us that have this privilege of being physically taken care of already, to spend time in meditation and prayer &endash; to spend time focusing on our spiritual world.

While we have challenges, they present themselves as relatively temporary, or impacting only a portion of our life. Whereas for many people the challenges they face impact their entire life, they do not go away, or they take every single ounce of energy in every single moment of the day to overcome.

Having the privilege of not having to fight for existence means we are tasked with the responsibility of honoring Spirit in whatever form or fashion each of us does. It is up to us to generate the qualities of energy that help humanity choose peace, patience and compassion. As these qualities of energy are generated more and more, they become more and more accessible to other people.

As each person around the world has the ability to tune into a growing energetic pool of compassion, it can make their day by day, moment to moment struggle for existence a little bit easier. It serves as a reminder that there is another option. We may not know how to get there (yet), but it does exist.

When people can feel compassion as another option in their lives, besides acting upon the emotions of fear and anger through violence, they are much more likely to find a way to compassion in their lives.

The energetic vibrational presence of compassion, generated by those of us living in privilege, can make a difference. Your personal meditation makes a difference in the world.

Over and over my guides have said that we must consider creation and creativity in terms of polarity. That no matter how strongly the human mind thinks it can think itself out of polarity, our entire reality is based on polarity. Our ability to act with Free Will and make decisions that do not serve All That Is, the entirety of Life everywhere, is a result of living in a polarized reality.

But without polarity we would not have the ability to create as free will beings. This is the entire point of creating and living within a polarized reality.

Polarities like good or bad, right or wrong, are fundamental to our existence. For example, our physical bodies tell us what is comfortable and what is not comfortable.

The trick here is to remember that what we create arises out of polarity. So when we seek to create along a straight line, moving from where we believe we are now, point A, to what we want, point B, we are also, unconsciously, creating exactly the opposite of what we want, point C. As Newton's Third Law states: "For every action in Nature there is an equal and opposite reaction". Creating out of our Free Will creates both what we want to create and what we do not want to create.

This is the primary means of creation that I am witnessing now. We humans assume we can create a straight line from where we are, point A, to where we think we should be, point B. But it simply won't happen. We think we are moving towards our goal, but then it slips away, and we feel like we are going backward. We commonly interpret this experience as a spiritual personal failure, and vow to do more affirmations, more celery juice, more meditation…but Archangel Michael assures me that creating out of our own beliefs and making it happen through our own will is counter to how Sacred Creation is designed.

What if the process of creating alongside the consciousness of All That Is were available to us? Perhaps this type of creative process doesn't look like a straight line going from where we are, point A to where we want to go, point B. This other option may very well be something along the line of starting where you are and moving outward in an ever expanding circular spiral until you arrive at your goal.

Spiral shapes are a good representation of how Sacred Creation works in a polarized reality. Moving along the lines of a spiral we move in a circular path, expanding outwards from our center starting point. This means we move in all directions as we move out from point A, where we are. As we complete each circuit of the spiral we move farther and farther away from where we began.

As we complete each circular path, our movement takes us towards our goal, point B, for half of the circular path, and then appears to take us away from our goal the other half of the circular path. In order to complete each circuit of the spiral, we must move both towards and away from our goal. Remember, the spiral is based on polarity, and represents our process of Sacred Creation.

It is only natural for us to panic when we realize that we are no longer moving towards our goal. We try to correct our course, but often end up jumping out of the spiral, and out of the creative process that we were engaged with. I have found it helpful to know that when we appear to be moving away from our goals, we are actually gathering skills, knowledge, and spiritual tools that we will need to continue to move along the spiral. It may not seem like it at the time, but the adversity we encounter as we move away from our goals ultimately serves to inform our journey towards our goals.

Even as we appear to move away from our goal, point B, the path of the spiral takes us outward and farther away from our starting point. So while it may feel to our human brain as if we are moving in the wrong direction, or that we are stuck or doing something wrong, in reality we are moving just as Spirit intends for us to move along the spiral path of Sacred Creation.

When we begin to move back towards our goal, we do so with an expanded consciousness, represented by the outward expansion of the spiral.

from the Beings of Light (through Norma)

When you feel most lost and ill at ease, know that we are with you. Observing and supporting your choices, all those in Spirit are aware of the difficulty that comes upon individuals as well as the whole of humanity when the motion of Creation seems to turn away from goals deemed correct or positive by humans.

Know that these downward arcs in the circuit of a spiral are times to go within, and hone your ability to know your own Truth. Despite that which pervades Western society and cultures, your body has a system to know what is meant to be in your life and how to interact with what is not meant to be in your life.

When you have arrived at the point where you have created that which Spirit and your Soul desire for you, it may or may not match what your personality desired. Human personalities often insist that the goal be exactly what they wanted or imagined it to be when the journey towards it first began. Taking into account the passage of linear time and the ongoing changes in your reality, it is highly unlikely that the exact physical form of a goal will be the same.

Human personalities often insist on continuing along that same spiral, seeking the exact form of a goal that they intended at the outset. But that exact form cannot exist in their current reality! By continuing to insist that it can exist, you utilize your own personal energy and will power to build and continue along the spiral path. That means you will eventually intersect with point C, creating what you do not intend or want to create.

It is imperative that you learn how to recognize and use the arrival at your goal as the new center point for a new spiral of creation. Only by experience can you learn how to do this. For this reason there are times of extreme friction in your polarized reality.

Your role is one of service. Listen internally. Cultivate the flow of energies between your physical form and that of your Earth. Despite all that is transpiring, the sun will rise each day and set each night. Despite all that is transpiring, there is a steady pulsation within the Earth. Despite all that transpires, your Soul is present and communing with all of us in Spirit, as we commune with you.


Please join me for the last meditation of the year

Saturday, December 2 at 8pm

a musical meditation concert in complete candlelight

Streaming Online & In Person

More info here


Meditation #65 from June 20, 2023

Create Ease, Not Effort
Learning to rest more fully into healing

Falling asleep is a known side-effect of listening to this meditation.
Be in a quiet place where you can listen and not be disturbed.

Norma's music and meditations are available on
Apple Music, Amazon and most streaming services.

Apple Music

Listen to mp3

& more information

Great to induce a good night's sleep!

A deeply restful healing meditation from Archangel Michael and Mary, speaking through Norma. let yourself lie down, close your eyes, and come to rest into those natural processes that surround and support you.

Energies may assist to release pain and discomfort in your legs and lower body. The soft tender tissue behind your knees, the spherical chakras at the ankles and the chakras on the bottom of your feet are included in this healing meditation.

Opening the lower portion of your body allows congested stuck energies to flow more easily throughout your body. This will help with headaches and sinus issues.

in case you missed it...

Spiritual Energetics and Insights into Long Covid
for ourselves and our world

The 3 types of Long COVID I am seeing now, with prevention, treatment and spiritual insights.
with Inspiration from Archangel Michael, Mary, and the Beings of Light


Private Healing Sessions
(offered by phone or Skype) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Please consider a Donation
A monthly donation lets me create healing songs and videos, these newsletters, online concerts, and audio meditations. Your support allows me to hire and pay professionals for editing, recording and various online services. Thank you!

more donation options here

or use the QR Code

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I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.

A song to find the stillness within you from which Rebirth arises.

The song in this video, O Rubor Sanguinis, is a medieval healing chant by St Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). I sing it in its original language which is Latin. You can find it on my albums Unfurling Love's Creation and Songs of Spirit

Yes, my music and meditation podcasts are on most streaming services.
And I have CDs!

Yes, I still have music on physical CDs.

Best Way to Purchase a physical CD is

Here through my website


Private Healing Sessions
available by phone / Skype
by appointment

 Sat Dec 2 ​ at 8pm ET​

Songs of Starlight: a musical meditation concert. Online and In-Person (Ann Arbor)

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness

created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)

Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.

Meditation #63 from January 1, 2021

A time of Reflection with songs and insights from Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira..

Listen to one of the songs now
Delving Deep

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music, CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.

Apple Music

Listen to mp3

& more information

Includes 4 new songs from spirit and these insights:

-Thoughts on the Healing Process
- Opening Your Energy Body to Deeper Healing
- Our Lower Chakras Follow Larger Creative Cycles
- Clearing Your Pelvis
- Releasing Tension by Clearing Other People's Guides (Neck - Head - Third Eye)
- Updating Your Life Plans (and the guides / angels to help you)
- Grounding into Your Own Energies within the Earth
- Illusionary goals vs Achievable Goal
- Resetting Third Eye for Clear Psychic Vision

Within each cycle of creation there is a period of Renewal. During this time we acknowledge all the cycles initiated in the past, and know that we carry with us all that is coming from our past. In this meditation you have the opportunity to identify and release what you do not need carry into the future.