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Spiritual Energetics and Insights into Long Covid
for ourselves and our world PART 2

The 3 types of Long COVID I am seeing now whose symptoms are being overlooked, discounted, or assigned to other diseases. Is this you or someone you know?

with Inspiration from Archangel Michael, Mary, and the Beings of Light

part 1 here

Dear Friends,

As I finish this missive on Long COVID, I stated again to my guides and Archangel Michael that I am ready to be done with writing and reading about COVID. Archangel Michael was silent for a moment, and then I felt a sense of gentle laughter, and I heard in my mind: "But it isn't done with us." And I remembered that the guides and angels have stated that humanity's actions influence even these angelic beings. So, on we go….because COVID "isn't done with us."

Even if we don't think we have been affected, COVID and Long COVID are changing our consciousness. Archangel Michael points out that its interaction with our world is providing a necessary "shove" to provoke a very needful ongoing shift in human consciousness.

Today I am focusing on the Spiritual and Energetic aspects of our interactions with the virus, including treatment options and insights from my guides Archangel Michael, Mary and a new group known as the Beings of Light. With their support, I am using the COVID-19 situation to demonstrate a shift that humanity is making (whether we want to or not) to recognize the interconnectedness of ALL LIFE and how we might move more easily through this shift.

In case you missed it…a summary of
Part 1 Long COVID - Spiritual Energetics and Insights (read full text here)

- A message from Spirit: The Role of COVID-19 and Human Development

- You can experience Long COVID even if you only have mild or no symptoms of COVID that you recognize.

- The most common symptom of the COVID virus interacting with our human body is low energy.

- Each time we interact with COVID, we are offered an opportunity for change. As my guides remind me, we can embrace change or be dragged into it by our Soul. It is our choice.

- COVID can trigger Fight / Flight / Freeze / Fawn response and aggravate PTSD

Why We May Not Notice COVID Lingering in Our Body

There is no need to fault ourselves when we miss noticing that something is out of balance in our body or our energy field. Sometimes it is merely how our brain works.
Our brain tends to stop prioritizing things that become constant. Muscle tension is a good example. If a damaged muscle isn't causing a lot of pain, we often ignore the discomfort until suddenly there is a lot of pain! So too with Long COVID symptoms.
I often feel a "buzz" in the energy field of those who have Long COVID, and they themselves report noticing it. It is similar enough to drinking a little too much coffee that people often accept it and learn to stop paying attention to it. Another symptom that tends to be dismissed is a sense of not being fully settled or satisfied by meditation, sleep and other nourishing practices. These and other symptoms (depression, fatigue and foggy brain) slide into the background of daily life. Over time people learned to tune out the buzz, ignore the lack of fulfilment in what used to satisfy them, and simply push through fatigue.

I suspect that the "foggy-brain" associated with Long COVID and a host of other chronic symptoms that are hard to define all have a basis in COVID's unique style of infecting our nerve cells both in our brains and in our gut's immune system. This, along with our brain's ability to stop noticing what is not actively changing or what is not causing significant pain, has led to an overly slow realization that COVID may persist long after the acute phase has passed.

I am finding that our body retains bits of past viral strains from multiple COVID exposures. These combined energies create an impendence, or buzz in the nerves of our body.

When the buzz is lifted after healing sessions, many clients realize it has been with them for a while. COVID, like all successful diseases, is opportunistic. It will find areas of our body and energy system that we are not yet fully owning. This can be an opportunity to clear out very old patterns, even those from childhood, and establish new thoughts, beliefs and habits. In particular I notice fear, anger and boundaries as major life issues tied into COVID.

Fear has been a major component of our COVID experience. When the gut is full of this buzz, it is very uncomfortable and the natural tendency is to unground and not connect with nor put attention on our low body. Fear, feeling a need to protect oneself, and anger, are natural results of this ungrounding process.

This buzz has kept our body, brain and energy systems from being fully operational as a unit. Imagine how much easier it is for us to be connected to our body when all of our nervous systems are tuned to our Soul and can communicate and connect!

Find more at:
Taking Back Our Bodies

an Overview of Long COVID

COVD is also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection or PASC

Why it Matters to All of Us.

What if there isn't just one disease or set of symptoms that medicine can define as Long COVID? What if each strain of COVID interacts in different ways with different parts of our body, emotions, mental capacities and energetic auric field?

What all COVID strains have in common is that 10% - 20% of people
(1) (2) will have lingering symptoms that can last months or years after both acute exposure (you contract COVID, with or without symptoms) and subacute exposure (you get a little whiff of the virus but not enough to contract COVID). Yes, Long COVID can potentially result from just being around the virus and having repeated low-level or subacute exposures.

In May 2023 a set of 12 key symptoms
(3) of Long COVID was put together by Andrea Foulkes, ScD, and the National Institute of Health's RECOVER (4) consortium.

Their list of Long COVID symptoms includes "post-exertional malaise, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, palpitations, changes in sexual desire or capacity, loss of or change in smell or taste, thirst, chronic cough, chest pain, and abnormal movements."

At the article's conclusion the author quotes physicians and researchers who point out that questions remain about the broad range of symptoms and how they group together. It is possible that there is no one single type of Long COVID, but rather multiple types of remaining imbalances in the body being labeled Long COVID.

For myself, I feel that indeed Long COVID presents and effects the body differently depending on which strains we have been exposed to and where the virus is able to gestate / hide / nest in our body. Typically this is where ever we have the least available life-force to address the viral remnants.

Which brings me to a very important point: COVID does not limit itself to just one place in our body. It will nest and gestate in multiple points of our body. While each person I work with is unique, a pattern has emerged that may be of help to share with you.

My energetic healing approach has thus far been:

1 To focus on freeing the intestinal track from the COVID spikes so that the physical body can process the nutrition it is receiving from food.

2 Recognize and release emotional trauma (fight / flight / freeze / fawn) from the lower body and Enteric Nervous System.

3 Re-set and then Re-start the immune system

4 Re-set grounding, based on the vibration of ovaries / testicles

5 Release the energetic cloud (usually guilt / shame of not accomplishing or working enough) that lies over the head, neck and upper spine; usually more behind the body than in front of it.

This healing process is deeply based in the lower body. It reflects our life-long physical definition of who we are and must be undertaken bit by bit so as not to cause a healing crisis. Patience, Wisdom and Curiosity are all qualities to be explored during this process.

I see three main types of Long COVID in my energy healing practice.
Each effects our Brain, Gut and Blood systems.Here are some examples of symptoms. (treatment ideas and Spiritual meanings are in the next section)

Principle symptoms are brain fog, lethargy, and depression. May also include tinnitus, restlessness, vertigo, and sleep issues. Often paired with COVID spikes in the gut that create a "buzzy" sensation and cravings for food that the client has left behind years ago such as caffeine and sugar. Also returning to behaviors from the past that are known coping mechanisms.

Such symptoms are not easily validated by Western medical tests. One article
(6) does show that "persistent neurocognitive symptoms after mild or moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection" have been linked to a medical marker of inflammation in the brain. To be more specific, glial cells (which support nerve cells) are enlarged and/or being found in greater numbers. This may cause scaring, which we experience as foggy brain, slower physical reactions, vertigo and general cognitive decline.

Alexander Gerhard, MD, of the University of Manchester in England, states that "as many as 20% of individuals might experience cognitive impairment 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis"
(7) and goes on to state the importance of medical research into this aspect of Long COVID. This may resolve itself over time, but there are simple things such as eating salt fermented vegetables like sauerkraut which are living probiotics, that will assist greatly.

COVID nests and incubates in the immune system which includes the Enteric Nervous System and the lining of the intestine and/or colon.(8) The resulting low grade malnutrition or digestion issues may not be caught on standard medical blood tests. A buzzy sensation in the body, an inability to fully come to rest, or difficulty letting yourself truly enjoy life are signs that your nervous system is "on guard" against something. I find that most people have forgotten what it is like to truly allow themselves to be fully relaxed and supported by the people and situations that surround them. This is more than Long COVID; it is symptom of Western culture.

A Side Note: When our body sends signals to our brain that it is uncomfortable, and we take no action, eventually the brain simply stops listening to the body. I believe this is a part of why so many people in Western society are suffering burn-out, fatigue and malaise. This is so common that when people experience these low-level issues they simply assume they must "learn to live with it" like everyone else does.

Only since Spring 2023 are medical personnel seeing studies that prove the existence of both large and small mental, emotional and physical symptoms of the COVID spikes remaining in the body. This in turn is causing our society and medical system to accept previously dismissed symptoms (fatigue, chronic musical aches, depression, foggy brain, etc) to be considered important. I see the possibility of these same symptoms that are not directly resulting from COVID to receive heightened attention. Feeling poorly is not normal. Seeking and finding support in one's health-care journey is often a part of a larger healing process.

When COVID first appeared, the focus was on the lungs. Respiratory symptoms are usually associated with COVID nesting primarily in the gut and secondarily in the lungs. Basically, addressing just the respiratory aspects of COVID won't allow the body to complete the healing process. The gut microbiome must also be addressed.

COVID has been known to cause depressive symptoms to escalate.
(9) One common sense treatment for COVID (or any infection) is to bolster the gut's microbiome and immune system by consuming probiotics. It turns out that this study just appeared with the title "Including Probiotics in Major Depression Treatment Shows Promise: Microbiota-gut-brain axis has been shown to be an important target for novel [new] treatments." (10) Perhaps one silver lining of the COVID cloud is that the innate connection between our gut and brain is being seen and appreciated by Western medicine.

COVID spikes nest into the soft walls of many of our body parts, including the inner lining of major veins (11) (less so our arteries). The spikes can cause major blood clots and/or micro blood clots in the microvascular network of capillaries. Those who contracted the original strain of COVID were at risk for venous issues arising up to a year after their initial infection. Subsequent weaker strains continue to yield microvascular issues months and years later.

This is the most difficult type of Long COVID to address, as the body itself must figure out how to gently lift the virus out of itself without damaging the vascular network. This takes time, nutrition, and dedication to finding and maintaining a new life path.

Archangel Michael wants to add this here, which is particularly applicable to how COVID interacts with our heart and blood vessels:

Consider that there is an intelligence within every living being. Even a virus has an intelligence within it. This intelligence has an energetic matrix, much like our bodies have energetic auric fields. Your body is interacting with the intelligence of every microbe, fungus, bacteria and virus it encounters. There is a reason for this. Change only occurs (typically) when you as a human become uncomfortable enough to expend our own life-force in new and unusual ways. Interacting with the SARs virus is causing you to make such changes. That is its role in your life now.

Treatments and Spiritual Insights
(Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light blended with Norma)

Let's start with the Basics:

1. Adopt and maintain a robust immune system and healthy lifestyle. Prevention is everything.

2. If you do get COVID, or any illness, watch and actively care for yourself AFTER symptoms subside.

3. Sleep. Nap. Plug your body into what nourishes it. This is an opportunity to rebuild systemically, rather than put another band-aid on chronic issues.

Neurological factors are a major component of Long COVID. Foggy brain is a prime example. This article (13) shows a pathway that the COVID virus uses to get into the nerves in our brain. These are the same type of nerves in our gut's Enteric Nervous System, which are susceptible to infection via this same method.

Here is why this is crucial to understanding our body's response to COVID, especially Long COVID.

Each time we are exposed to COVID the nerve cells that are a crucial part of our immune response are infected. This is how viruses tend to interact with us. Long COVID indicates that our body has not found its new balance as it exits the healing process.

Here are some neurologic healing options for brain:
Join a meditation or similar group, as you can't focus well by yourself. I know it is hard to acknowledge that you are not well. This is especially true in New Age circles where poor health is often judged as a spiritual lack, rather than a part of the Soul's natural journey. It is OK to let yourself be supported by the energies created within a group. You are not being selfish. You will "pay it forward" to this group or others at some point. It is the flowing of energy that allows Spirit to move into the world. Let yourself be a portal for this flow.

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is the only way to allow yourself to receive, The only way to fully recover is to find that tender vulnerable center and let others, whom you trust, see it.

Spiritual implications of this type of Long COVID focus on letting others support you and letting go of controlling all that is around you. My guides remind me that a dog who believes his kingdom is all that he can see will forever be frustrated, barking at the street traffic, pedestrians and squirrels whom he cannot control. Re-assess what is yours to put your hands and life force into, and let the rest be the providence of others. No one learns by not doing. Let others learn, and focus on what you need to do, thus focusing on what you need to learn.

Because of the Microbiota-gut-brain axis interconnection, you may also wish to consider the treatment ideas given below under GUT.

from Norma:
The first waves of COVID lodged primarily in the gut's immune system. Subsequent waves continue to involve the protein spikes of COVID-19 entering and remaining in the intestinal lining and Enteric Nervous System. I shared additional treatment and spiritual insights on this in detail in earlier
newsletters available at my website. These are noted in the sections below. Here is a quick review and new updated information.

from Archangel Michael:

All viruses, bacteria and fungus have a consciousness within them. When interacting with our body, this consciousness offers us an opportunity to remember an issue that our Soul seeks to look at, and potentially resolve in this lifetime. In this fashion, illness is not a sin or a weakness. It is the Soul at work.

Your body is not at war with any virus, bacteria or fungus. The physical environment is either suitable to its replication or not. 

Your bodies have not forgotten how to nourish themselves and repair cellular damage. Current trends in lifestyle, especially the cultural trait of judging what is needed and not needed by the body based on what your mind believes, causes imbalances. Feel your body, rather than lecturing it.

from Norma (with help from Archangel Michael and other healing guides)
Create a less hospitable environment in your gut for COVID-19 by
Enhancing Your Immune System

Learn to rest. Not just sleep, but rest. Put yourself in places that you love. Surround yourself with objects, pets and people who receive you as you are. Constant vigilance may be habitual, but it is not normal. Sleep issues often result from an underlying pattern of distrust of what is around us.

The behavioral response known as Fright/Flight/Freeze/Fawn is largely located in our Enteric Nervous System, which wraps around our intestines and interacts with our immune system. When we are in danger our Enteric Nervous System turns on, like a fire alarm. If the situation did not reach a full conclusion, the alarm may never have been fully turned off. Events or stimulus in our lives, such as COVID's spike protein lodging in our intestinal tissues, now cause us to turn our attention to listening to the ongoing alarm again.

This is an opportunity to turn off the alarm from long ago. Doing so allows the immunes system to function more fully, and the intestines to better absorb the nutrition from your diet. Sleep becomes truly restful. Trust in others increases. Your ability to discern what is useful and not useful is restored, as the constantly sounding alarm is now silent, and your guides and intuition are more easily heard and understood.

A recent study found that 89% of women and 59% percent of men with medically supervised sleep apnea had increased odds of Long COVID.
(14) In contrast, women who were infected with COVID-19 and who had healthy sleep habits before they were infected were 30% less likely to have Long COVID than those who had poor sleep habits before infection (15) This second study appears to have been done early in the pandemic, when the original strain was circulating.

My guides remind me that it is in the dream state that our consciousness combines most easily with the larger consciousness of humanity and All That Is. We are an important member of this daily meeting, both to learn and to share experiences. Maintaining sleep through the full arch of natural sleep stages also allows our Soul to engage with our physical body and promote healing towards the balance desired by our Soul and body's combined intelligences.

Medical studies are catching up with what holistic practitioners and energy healers have known for decades; exposure to the sun is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental health. "Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, pre-infection deficiency of vitamin D was associated with increased disease severity and mortality." 
(16) Human skin is meant to interact with the sun. When our skin is exposed to UVB light from the sun a process begins to create vitamin D.

It turns out that vitamin D, among the many other things it does, assists our body to calm inflammation in our bowels. Since about 80% of our immune system lives in the microbiome of our bowels, it makes sense that our body's response to infection is stronger with the most advantageous levels of vitamin D. It seems so simple, but yes, appropriate sunshine expose will assist our body to release COVID-19 protein spikes from the lining of the intestines.

Probiotics are living microorganisms. Each strain of probiotic has a consciousness within it. Therefore each strain of probiotic interacts with not just our intestines but also with our energetic auric field. We can sense, psychically, when we are eating food that is alive.

Eating a variety of different fermented foods lets your body interact with many naturally occurring strains. Those strains that are lacking in your intestines / colon will find a welcome place to grow in your microbiome, and those that you already have in abundance will naturally be shed in feces.

Probiotics are best absorbed and utilized by our body in their whole food form. Salt-fermented foods like kvass and sauerkraut are common. Because they are still alive they are still fermenting, and must be kept cool to avoid too much gas from building up inside the container.

Read more here:
Building a Robust Immune System Vitamin D / Probiotics

Just as our bodies have a method to create vitamin D from exposure to the sun, so too we have receptors that utilize cannabinoids from food. There are different types of cannabinoids, and here we are speaking of those not containing THC.

Many common foods like chocolate, broccoli and cinnamon offer our bodies different types of cannabinoids. Hemp oils contain different types of cannabinoids. Many of these are highly processed and may not provide our body with the energetic life-force that is meant to accompany the physical cannabinoid molecules. Cannabinoid Acids exist within freshly harvested oils, before they are processed.

"The researchers found that two cannabinoid acids commonly found in hemp varietals of cannabis, cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, also known as CBDA, can bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. By binding to the spike protein, the compounds can prevent the virus from entering cells and causing infection, potentially offering new avenues to prevent and treat the disease."
(17) (18)

A NOTE from NORMA: Since this hemp study was published, a flurry of related articles are appearing online. Do your own search of the latest information to find the proper hemp oil supplement available in your area containing these hemp acids. These hemp acids do not contain any THC.

Read more here:
Preventing, not Curing Disease HEMP / MELATONIN

Life's challenges can lead to stagnation or movement. Movement, meaning change, often comes not just in one area of our life, but seemingly as a rainstorm, drenching us in possibilities and challenges. Balancing the many aspects of changes so that they occur smoothly is not easy. It can take time to line up the many possibilities and layers of changes. Blood-clots can be a sign of overthinking or persistently disengaging from changes that your Soul desires. Especially the messy changes that overthrow the life plans that others have made with you (or for you).

Blood is considered in mystical terms to be both life and death.(19) Ideally blood moves only within the portions of our body designed to be nourished by it. The quality of our blood's flow inside of the veins, arteries and capillaries indicates how easily we are using our life-force. Are we taking advantage of stress-free opportunities? Or are we talking ourselves into "doing it the right way?" In many cases the "right way" is the socially acceptable way, not our Soul's way.

How to know the difference? When a million justifications for not moving forward on a decision come up, it is most likely not coming from your Soul. In this case the reasons are like old hardened wooden covers on a long-abandoned well. When you pry up the cover (the reason to choose to do something a certain way) you have a nice mushy well of unrecognized guilt and grief underneath.

Here is where energy work can be very effective, as the underlying guilt / grief is almost always emotion taken on from a spouse, parent or authority figure. It may have festered and been living with you for so many decades that you have lost track of the fact that it isn't really yours. And yes, a small percentage might belong to you too.

Releasing such emotional energies allows them to go to the Higher self, Guardian Angel or Soul of whomever this pattern belongs to. It will not hurt or harm. This is a purely energetic pattern. It fits into the energetic matrix of whomever it belongs to. Releasing it allows you to feel and understand why you took it on and learn from the experience. Returning the emotional energy to them allows them to have it available to process, whenever they are ready to do so.


All things that exist in our world of form have a consciousness or spiritual matrix within them. This is clearly true of things created by Nature: plants and animals and rocks and minerals. It is also true of anything created by humans. The consciousness within the COVID virus came into form as part of an agreement that humans have with each other (our shared consciousness) and with All That Is. COVID can trip us up, or help us learn more about ourselves, our choices and our shared reality. It is our choice.

A by-product of living in our polarized mindset (especially in Western culture) is our focus on fixing what we deem to be wrong. Anything that is uncomfortable is easy to judge as wrong. Physical discomfort is wrong. And therefore it must be fixed.

But systemic and chronic illness doesn't just arrive overnight. There are energetic, emotional, mental and physical distortions that must occur. And these all take time to fully resolve. I am convinced that our Souls choose for us to overcome and learn from difficulties in this lifetime so that the information and experiences we have can be integrated into our larger Soul upon our rebirth into Spirit. But we do often make choices that cause additional difficulty, beyond the scope that our Soul had anticipated.

In the past 150 years Western culture has labeled disease as wrong, and has valiantly used science to create fixes for the various symptoms that it could measure. Much like our society, our medical system strives to keep us out of discomfort without our having to change anything that is causing that discomfort!

COVID-19 is one moment in time where humanity as a collective has the opportunity to pause and reflect. How fully are we willing to acknowledge that fixing the symptoms is useful only to allow us time to address the underlying changes that our Soul is calling us to make?

Most of you reading this understand and are already utilizing tools for deepening your own understanding of issues in your life. It is my sense, both from my lived life experience and from my guides, that the release of this SARS virus was done in order to remind Western culture to look at our bodies as a single system, made up of many smaller systems. Long COVID means science will continue to study and reveal the interactions of the SARS virus with other diseases and imbalances throughout our body. And at some point perhaps even beyond that, into our energetic auric field.

Meanwhile, I am reminded that the choices each of us make echo and resonate out to others and to our world. Healing means never forcing any change or decision upon others, but making it only within ourself.

Many blessings to all,
(with Michael, Mary and the Beings of Light)

Join me In Person (Ann Arbor - limit 20) or Online for a
Meditation with insights from my guides and sacred song on Friday, August 11 at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT. Suggested Donation $20.

1. Ceban  F?, Ling  S?, Lui  LMW?,  et al.  Fatigue and cognitive impairment in post-COVID-19 Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ?  Brain Behav Immun. 2022;101:93-135. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2021.12.020

2. What we know about Long COVID - and what we don't

3. Long COVID Now Has a Framework to Define It: 12 key symptoms identify the disorder, U.S. researchers say

4. RECOVER: Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery

5. Disentangling the Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2E Unibus Pluram (From One, Many) Robert Gross, MD, MSCE, and Vincent Lo Re III, MD, MSCE, shared the importance of considering if the sequelae or groups of symptoms indicate a single or multiple processes

6. Long COVID Cognitive, Depressive Symptoms Tied to Brain Inflammation Marker: PET scans suggest gliosis may accompany persistent neurocognitive symptoms

7. Ceban  F?, Ling  S?, Lui  LMW?,  et al.  Fatigue and cognitive impairment in post-COVID-19 Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

8. Simple version of study: Long COVID: The Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Mucous Membranes May Be A Factor Original Study

9. Long COVID Cognitive, Depressive Symptoms Tied to Brain Inflammation Marker: PET scans suggest gliosis may accompany persistent neurocognitive symptoms

10. Simple Version: Including Probiotics in Major Depression Treatment Shows Promise: Microbiota-gut-brain axis has been shown to be an important target for novel treatments.

Original Study: Acceptability, Tolerability, and Estimates of Putative Treatment Effects of Probiotics as Adjunctive Treatment in Patients With Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial

11. Blood clot risk remains elevated nearly a year after COVID-19 (original strain)

12. After I wrote this I saw an interesting medical news story posted by NPR that dovetails nicely and explains the process of COVID creating microclots in blood in an understandable manner.

13. On July 20, 2022, Science Advances published an article "Tunneling nanotubes provide a route for SARS-CoV-2 spreading", which was summarized by MedPage Today as "SARS-CoV-2 may hijack nanotubes between neurons to infect them."

14. Sleep Apnea Patients Prone to Higher Long COVID Risk&emdash; Study suggests close monitoring of adults with obstructive sleep apnea

15. Multidimensional Sleep Health Prior to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Risk of Post - COVID-19 Condition

16. "Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness" February 3, 2022 from the Galilee Medical Center (GMC) in Nahariya, Israel

17. "Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants," a study, done at Oregon State University, published online Jan 10, 2022.

18. A good summary of this study was published by Forbes Jan 11, 2022 "Study Finds Cannabis Compounds Prevent Infection By Covid-19 Virus

19. Blood is considered in mystical terms to be both life and death. In medieval times the presence of blood during menstruation was seen as a sign of health. The lack of a regular menstruation indicated illness or imbalance. When a bleeding wound ceased to bleed without clotting, the life-force was understood to have left the body.


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I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered by phone or Skype or Zoom) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

If you missed the last newsletter, here is a related video and healing song

A song to find the stillness within you from which Rebirth arises.

The song in this video, O Rubor Sanguinis, is a medieval healing chant by St Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). I sing it in its original language which is Latin. You can find it on my albums Unfurling Love's Creation and Songs of Spirit

Yes, my music and meditation podcasts are on most streaming services. And I have CDs!

Yes, I still have music on physical CDs.

Best Way to Purchase a physical CD is

Here through my website


Friday August 11​7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT

Meditation with Norma and her guides, usually Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira.
Join me In Person (Ann Arbor - limit 20) or Online
Suggested Donation $20.

Private Healing Sessions
available by phone / Skype / FaceTime

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

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created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
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Meditation #63 from January 1, 2021

A time of Reflection with songs and insights from Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira..

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Delving Deep

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Includes 4 new songs from spirit and these insights:

-Thoughts on the Healing Process
- Opening Your Energy Body to Deeper Healing
- Our Lower Chakras Follow Larger Creative Cycles
- Clearing Your Pelvis
- Releasing Tension by Clearing Other People's Guides (Neck - Head - Third Eye)
- Updating Your Life Plans (and the guides / angels to help you)
- Grounding into Your Own Energies within the Earth
- Illusionary goals vs Achievable Goal
- Resetting Third Eye for Clear Psychic Vision

Within each cycle of creation there is a period of Renewal. During this time we acknowledge all the cycles initiated in the past, and know that we carry with us all that is coming from our past. In this meditation you have the opportunity to identify and release what you do not need carry into the future.

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