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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now

This Evening's Meditation Concert (June 23)
is dedicated to the rising tide of Courage & Truth.

Dear Friends,
One day I asked a gaping emotional wound in someone's life how the wound wanted to feel. This was a pivotal moment in my journey, learning to deepen into my own ability to sit with another's pain. I realize now, that when I asked this painful emotional pattern how it wanted to heal, I opened the doorway for the consciousness within it to communicate with both myself and the client in a new way.

I did not tell it to leave, nor did I tell it to change or to be happy. I realized that there was a consciousness within the pattern that was in some way serving the person it was attached to. My role, as a healer, was to facilitate the forward motion of the pattern, by tapping into the pattern's consciousness, and giving it permission to follow it's own journey, in whatever way was in agreement with the person's Soul.

It seems so simple, but this has become my underlying assumption; that no matter how awful, how painful, how destructive something seems, there is a consciousness within it that has an agreement with one or more Souls to be present and engaged with them. Trying to change the pattern, especially according to human beliefs about what is good, merely gets in the way of the it's innate knowing of how it relates to these (our) Souls. By my asking a pattern what its next step is, and how it now relates to a Soul, it has permissions to move and change, according to its own wisdom.

Please join me this evening for an hour of musical meditation and deep silence as we join our hearts together, creating a Sacred Space in which divine guidance might enter each of us.

Here is a little video, just a teaser, you can share with others.

copy and paste this to watch/share:

Saturday, June 23 at 8pm in ANN ARBOR, MI
Meditation Concert of Sacred Chant in Candlelight
Norma Gentile, sound shaman (and friends)
Atmaram Chaitanya (tambura & harmonium)
Nathan Correll (Tibetan bowls & gong)

Norma brings her voice and a few musical friends together in an evening of medieval chants by Hildegard and songs that arise spontaneously from the combined meditational energies of those present in the room. These improvised songs are particularly potent for healing and transformation, as they arise out of the connection between Norma's guides (Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathors) and your own guides and angels.

Norma is joined by Atmaram Chaitanya on harmonium and tambura, and Nathan Correll on gongs and Tibetan bowls

Norma Gentile received her master's in Voice Performance  and subsequently studied esoteric healing and shamanism, including trips abroad to record and work with specific land energies and individuals. She brings her expertise and natural healing abilities into her musical offerings. You can listen for yourself at her website:

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth
704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor
Suggested Donation $20
cash/check at door
or use
PayPal now
See & Share the FaceBook Event Page

Check out this Video of two songs by Norma and Atmaram from last year's event

two songs:

Inner Reflection
Deepening Your Spiritual Guidance

Healing Breath
Accepting Yourself (and Others)



Norma Gentile, voice
Atmaram Chaitanya tambura & harmonium

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Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan

June 23​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor

pecial gathering via live strea

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness

created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)

Here are some additional free offerings.
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Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon

Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information


- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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