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Books and Music on
Sound and Healing


Healing Music

Teaching CDs

Books on
Sound and Healing
von Bingen
Spiritual Exploration
Healthy Body Tools

Daily Living

Performance :
Revealing the Orpheus Within

by Anthony Rooley

Written both from the viewpoint of a performer and a philosopher, Anthony Rooley, best known for his many recordings as director of The Consort of Musick, explores the art of performance. He uses writings of renaissance musicians and esoteric scholars to support his own experiences of transcendence during performance. Great for those who want to let spirit shine through in music or theater.

The World Is Sound
Nada Brahma
Music and the Landscape of Consciousness
by Joachim-Ernst Berendt

A classic on sound and its affect on our body, mind and spirit. Ancient texts from spiritual traditions around the world, as well as modern information


Sounding the Inner Landscape
Music As Medicine
by Kay Gardner

A very complete and systematic explanation of the physics behind music, but not overly difficult to read. Her diagrams, pictures and easy writing style allow you to understand the concepts presented. She ties this information in with spiritual and healing uses for music.

The Healing Voice :
Traditional & Contemporary Toning, Chanting & Singing
by Joy Gardner-Gordon

The Secret Power of Music
by David Tame

Toning :
The Creative Power of the Voice
by Laurel E. Keyes

One of the first published books on the use of free-form toning. Not a large book, but it contains some nicely expressed thoughts on the context of tone, how it affects us, and how we can consciously be with our own sound.

Published: September 1979

Uncovering the Voice
A Path towards Catharsis in the Art of Singing
by Valborg Werbeck-Svardstrom

translated from the German original
Die Schule der Stimmenthullung
by P. Luborsky

Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1980
ISBN 0 85440 570 4

The Inner Nature of Music
and the Experience of Tone :

Selected Lectures
from the Work of Rudolf Steiner
Alice Wulsin (Editor), Maria St Goar (Translator)

Published: December 1983

Worth the Search! Thesebooks may be hard to find or officially listed as out-of-print, but they are unique for the materials they bring together under one cover. If you are seriously interested in a subject, do track down the book or recording. will do the search for you when you place your order.



Singing and the Etheric Tone
Gracia Ricardo's Approach to Singing,
Based on Her Work With Rudolf Steiner

by Hilda Deighton, Gina Palermo, Dina Soresi Winter (Editor)

You may also want to check with your local Redolf Steiner study group or school.

The Healing Forces of Music :
History, Theory, and Practice

by Randall McClellan

A nicely balanced and informative book explaining the basics of sound in scientific terms, then demonstrating how sound/music has been used in various times and cultures for healing.